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Analysis and pedagogical interpretation of the musical work

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Analytical and pedagogical interpretation of musical work - specifics at primary and secondary school2. Characteristics of didactic situations when working with a work of art3. Perception and apperception in school music education and outside school4. Principles of musical work selection, taste and its formation5. Perception and apperception, perception preferences6. Characteristics of style for listening to the work and for didactic work with it7. Hierarchy of didactic work with musical means of expression8. Specifics of teaching unit focused on work with artwork9. Music as a communication system from the perspective of a music teacher10. Interdisciplinary overlaps in didactic work with music11. Interdisciplinary overlaps in didactic work with music12. Subjects for independent work of pupils and their limits13. Musical work as an object of project teaching


Learning outcomes of the course unit The course leads students to acquire knowledge for complex analysis and analytical interpretation of compositions with accent on analysis of musical expressive means for understanding the communicated content as a basic prerequisite of pedagogical work. Students apply acquired skills to model didactic situations with regard to interdisciplinary overlaps of pedagogical interpretation.

Seminar work and model pedagogical output are used for applications.

Form of seminar work: a project for teaching on a chosen topic with interdisciplinary overlaps. The starting point is a musical work. The project includes examples from music, literature and fine arts. The comments contain a justification of the content, a description and justification of the forms of work, a possible reflection from practice, as well as the inclusion of the content in the context of music didactics, music theory, music history.

Form of pedagogical output: pedagogical interpretation of selected content for the lesson. Reflection of goals, content, methods and forms of work in the discussion.

Study programmes