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Didactics of Music Education II

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Aim and content of music education, conception of music education, position of music education in the system of education, curricular documents and textbooks of HV, schools with extended teaching of music education, didactic principles in teaching HV, methods and forms of teaching.

2. Introduction to notation programs and music technologies suitable for high school at the 2nd level of elementary school.

3. The concept of the role of teacher and student in mutual communication with the work of art, listening methodology, design of the lesson, types of listening lessons, didactic interpretation of the musical work.

4. Aspects of the application of non-artificial music in HV, musical activities associated with non-artificial music, practical acquisition of a methodical series of rhythmic skills development.

5. Methodology of development of singing and intonation skills. Aesthetic-educational work with songs, choice of song, methodical procedure of practicing monophonic, two-voiced and polyphonic.

6. Music technology as a means of developing musical skills and acquiring and practicing musical knowledge in music education.

7. Modernization of music education process (visualization, project teaching, integrative concept of HV, polyesthetic education. Didactic aids in HV, motivation for active activity concept of HV, practical acquisition of methodical series of development of tool skills.

8. Methodology of development of creative expressions of pupils, education for creativity.


A comprehensive view of the current concept of HV, the essence and connection of musical activities. Education for creativity in the field of music and music pedagogy.

The concept of the role of the pupil and the teacher in mutual communication and in communication with a work of art. Organizational forms of music teaching, lesson, its structure and types.

Efforts to modernize the HV process (visualization, use of modern technology, notation programs, project teaching, integrative conception of music education and polyester education, the position and role of non-artificial music in school practice, etc.). Practical acquisition of basic methodological series of development of musical skills (rhythmic, singing, intonation, instrumental, musical and movement, etc.).

The choice of a song in terms of demands on the state of students' musical skills, methods of practicing monophonic and polyphony, aesthetic educational work with the song. Historical-genetic, structural, semantic and axiological analysis of a musical work and its didactic interpretation.

Designing the construction of the lesson - elaboration of student preparations and their implementation during the outputs in the seminar with regard to the complexity and interconnectedness of musical activities and the creative approach to teaching.

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