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Professional practice 2

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Podklady, směrnice a instrukce

Realizace a reflexe praxe

Vyhodnocení praxe, zápočet


In the subject Practice 2, the main attention is paid to specific examples from school practice from the teaching of subjects specializing in IT and the use of IT in the teaching of other subjects and in the work of primary and secondary schools. The course also focuses on learning about didactic skills in their specialization, on the possibilities of getting to know and developing various aspects of students' personalities, they get acquainted with the school as a whole, its atmosphere, social relations, management.

Students should understand how the above areas affect the educational work of the school and its results. The subject Field practice follows a line of the following topics: excursions to school facilities or production facilities related to the student's focus; listening with experienced teachers, developing the ability to observe teaching with an emphasis on the work of students and teachers; to develop the ability to perform pedagogical-psychological didactic analysis of observed phenomena and didactic situations in teaching; analysis of observation activities, analysis of observed phenomena and didactic situations in teaching, pedagogical-psychological and didactic analysis; guiding students to self-concept and self-reflection in relation to the teaching profession.

Study programmes