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Environments for designing educational applications

Class at Faculty of Education |

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multimediální vzdělávání teorie multimediálního vzdělávání, teorie kognitivní zátěže, principy návrhu multimediálních materiálů technické prostředky v edukaci charakteristické vlastnosti a specifické rysy didaktické technicky a technických prostředků z hlediska edukace didaktické materiály a možnosti jejich tvorby základní kritéria hodnocení didaktických materiálů typu od dokumentů vytvářených v textovém a grafickém editoru, přes prezentace, audiovizuální, multimediální a 3D objekty, hypermediální prostředky, použití autorských systémů pro tvorbu výukových objektů a programů, aplikace pro iOS. digitální úložiště


The content of the course is, in addition to the theoretical part, acquaintance with available development environments suitable for the creation of teaching materials. The aim of the course is to expand students' practical experience with the preparation of their own teaching materials on a computer and in connection with that an overview of the complexity of the creation and quality of available commercial and non-commercial educational applications.

Participants build on their previous experience with word processing and graphics, creating presentations and developing applications in the web environment and beyond, and will use appropriate tools to create standardized learning objects, add-on modules, and complex learning applications with output to the web environment or as separate computer programs. intended for the phase of preparation, course or diagnostics of teaching. The main topics covered in the course include: multimedia education (theory of multimedia education, theory of cognitive load, principles of design of multimedia materials), technical means in education (characteristics and specific features of didactic technical and technical means in terms of education), didactic materials and possibilities their creation (basic criteria for the evaluation of didactic materials such as documents created in a text and graphic editor, through presentations, audiovisual, multimedia and 3D objects, hypermedia resources, the use of authoring systems for the creation of educational objects and programs).

Study programmes