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Teaching practice at the primary school with reflection

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Praktická výuka na základní škole.

Seznámení se s chodem školy a pedagogickými dokumenty.


Teaching practice at the lower secondary school should provide students with opportunities to gain initial experience in the teaching of mathematics, to create and deepen basic didactic skills in diagnosis, assessment, communication, organisation and management of the educational environment, focusing on the educational field Mathematics and its applications. It is an opportunity for them to apply knowledge gained in pedagogy and psychology courses as well as in mathematics education courses.

Students' ability to reflect on their teaching will be developed directly at schools with the help of mentors and in reflective seminars at the faculty. They will become aware of what their own conception of teaching mathematics is, which areas of the teaching profession belong to their weaker points and which they should purposefully develop in the future.

The materials that students will process in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the practice will therefore be part of their didactic portfolio and will be further worked with in the subject Didactics of Mathematics 2.

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