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Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Selecting the thesis topic and objectives

2. Planning the process, methodology of the thesis elaboration3. Experimental part of the thesis - possibilities, requirements and processing4. Selection and study of suitable references and their efficient use5. Thesis structure, rules for citing, rewarding, bibliography processing

6. Use of abbreviations, graphical rules, typographic rules Používání zkratek, grafická úprava, typografická pravidla7. Grammar and formulation rules8. Critical analysis of students' diploma theses in various stages of working


Students will get acquainted with all phases of the didactics of mathematics diploma thesis preparation, starting with the selection of its topic up to the formal aspects of its elaboration. Knowledge and skills gained when writing the bachelor thesis will be used. The course will focus mainly on critical analyses of the students' own proposals of topics and aims of the thesis. Attention will be paid to the experimental part of the thesis, which is an indispensable part of diploma theses from didactics of mathematics. SYLABUS:

1. Selecting the thesis topic and objectives

2. Planning the process, methodology of the thesis elaboration

3. Experimental part of the thesis - possibilities, requirements and processing

4. Selection and study of suitable references and their efficient use

5. Thesis structure, rules for citing, rewarding, bibliography processing

6. Use of abbreviations, graphical rules, typographic rules Používání zkratek, grafická úprava, typografická pravidla

7. Grammar and formulation rules

8. Critical analysis of students' diploma theses in various stages of working