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Professional Practice I - Speech Therapy

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Předmět Logopedická praxe I vede studenty k praktickému využití znalostí získaných ve studijních předmětech. Je zaměřen na specifickou problematiku v raném a předškolním a školním věku dětí a žáků s narušenou komunikační schopností.

Praxe probíhá pod supervizí zvoleného pracoviště a garanta oborové praxe. Student se aktivně podílí na logopedické intervenci, je schopen interpretovat a obhájit zvolené postupy, metody, posloupnost, jenž v praxi aplikoval.

Své působení a závěry z praxe zaznamenává do portfolia, v němž zachytí průběh odborné praxe. Rozpracování charakteristiky dětí, žáků, klientů, u nichž byla realizována logopedická intervence, zaznamenává průběh logopedické intervence.


The aim of the compulsory professional practice in the Speech Therapy study programme is to consolidate the pedagogical, psychological and especially professional special pedagogical knowledge and didactic skills of students by verifying them through practical application. The compulsory professional practice subjects are included in all years of the Master's degree programme in such a way that their focus enables the systematic development of the student's competences in the field of speech therapy.

The content of the individual professional practice courses is interrelated with the courses of the profiling foundation, which allows, in accordance with the philosophy of the entire programme, to systematically apply the acquired knowledge and skills with regard to the specifics in the education of individual age groups of clients (early childhood, preschool, school age, adulthood and seniors). Emphasis is placed on the gradual increase of demands on students in practical activities and a close link to the graduate profile.

Students' activities are continuously reflected. The Professional Practice Portfolio is used as an evaluation tool for formative assessment.

The culmination of the professional practice is the course Coherent Practice, included in the last semester of the study.