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Advanced Statistics

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. A Vstupní test    B Intervaly sppolehlivosti    C Normalita dat

2. Korelační a regresní analýza

3. Faktorová analýza

4. Shluková analýza

5. Analýza testu

6. A Opakování.     B Výstupní test   Studijní opory naleznete na Připomínky k těmto sudijiním oporám jsou vítány. Piště prosím na


The prerequisite for successful completion of the course is knowledge of mathematical statistics in the extent of the bachelor course OBPS13511 Quantitative Methodology IX ( It is the preliminary for Diploma Seminar A (quantitative).

It provides a deeper insight into the basic concepts of testing - objectivity, validity, reliability and discrimination. This gives its connection to the courses in Diagnostics in Psychological Counseling, Child Diagnostics and Adult Diagnosis.

The course is a prerequisite for the elaboration of a thesis based on a quantitative methodology of data processing.