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European thought tradition

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Tradice evropského myšlení - člověk a svět.Mýtické pojetí člověka.Základní metafyzické figury lidství – animal rationale, imago Dei a ego cogito.Univerzalita rozumu, smyslů, činností a mravního vědomí a jednání.Člověk jako bytost vztahová.Homo faber v moderní filosofii.Homo ludens a význam hry.Homo historicus.Člověk jako ens amans.Individualita a osoba ve filosofické reflexi.Člověk jako existence.


The European Thought Tradition course is explicitly focused on the issue of man in Western philosophical thought. It deals with the mythical form of humanity and the concepts of man in the course of the history of philosophical thought from antiquity to the beginning of the modern era.

The goal of the course is for students to master the basic paradigms of the modern philosophical concept of man, such as homo faber, homo ludens, homo historicus, man as existence, as a person and as a relational being. It is about understanding the basic ontological and epistemological starting points of the study of psychology.

Topics: The tradition of European thought - man and the world. Mythical concept of man.

Basic metaphysical figures of humanity - animal rationale, imago Dei and ego cogito. Universality of reason, senses, activities and moral awareness and actions.

Man as a relational being. Homo faber in modern philosophy.

Homo ludens and the meaning of play. Homo historicus.

Man as ens amans. Individuality and the person in philosophical reflection.

Normality and madness in philosophical reflection. The problem of the body and physicality in philosophy.