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Master Thesis Preparation A - Quantitative design

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Témata: 1 Projekt diplomové práce 2 Základní typy diplomových prací  3 Metody 4 Literární rešerše 5 Struktura diplomové práce 6 Formální úprava 7 Kvantitativní analýza dat a její prezentace


The diploma seminar is a mandatory optional course that provides students with basic information about the requirements for the preparation of a diploma thesis and allows them, in addition to the expert guidance of the thesis supervisor, to consult with another expert and their colleagues. As part of the course, students are provided with support not only in choosing a suitable statistical method, but also in data processing with statistical programs Jamovi, Jasp, R.

The focus of pedagogical guidance in this work is individual consultations. Subtopics: 1 Diploma thesis project 2 Basic types of diploma theses - related to the type of analyzed material 3 Methods 4 Literature study 5 Structure of the diploma thesis 6 Formal preparation 7 Quantitative data analysis