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Interviewing techniques

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Hlavními tématy bude:1. Příprava rozhovoru, jeho cíle, fáze, očekávaný výsledek. Tvorba kvalitního vztahu.

2. Komunikační proces, pozitivní očekávání a jeho vliv na výsledek rozhovoru, vztah psycholog – klient.3. Verbální techniky napomáhající k realizaci dobrého rozhovoru4. Neverbální techniky a práce se sociální percepcí5. Úskalí dobrého poradenského rozhovoru a práce se supervizí


The Interview Techniques course aims to prepare students for conducting a counseling interview, theoretically, but mainly practically. The basis of the teaching will be exercises aimed at preparing the interview, conducting the interview and mastering its pitfalls, as well as a good conclusion to the interview. The student will become familiar with the theoretical starting points for the implementation of a good counseling interview. The focus of the teaching is the counseling interview itself, the student is introduced to its goals, phases and techniques of conducting this type of interview. During the lesson, he practices active listening techniques and techniques aimed at actively influencing the course of the conversation, he learns not only to conduct the conversation, but also to record, analyze, interpret and is supported in the direction of reflection on his own skills. The main topics will be:

1. Preparation of the interview, its goals, stages, expected result. Creating a quality relationship.

2. Communication process, positive expectation and its effect on the outcome of the interview, psychologist-client relationship.

3. Verbal techniques to help you have a good conversation

4. Non-verbal techniques and work with social perception

5. Pitfalls of a good counseling interview and work with supervision