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Clinicla Internship

Class at Faculty of Education |

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V rámci specializovaných stáží se student může zaměřit na pracoviště, kde jde o:

1. hlubší profilaci na specifickou klientelu (např. jedinci s psychickými poruchami, specifické věkové skupiny - např.adolescenti, senioři),

2. zaměření na konkrétní psychologické postupy (specializované činnosti v diagnostice či terapii aj.),

3. nadstandardní činnosti pracoviště či činnosti, které nejsou hlavní doménou klinických pracovišť,

4. činnosti, které obvykle nespadají do encyklopedických klinických stáží.


This course is designed for those students who wish to profile for clinical psychology and work as clinical psychologists in health care settings. Its focus is therefore complementary to Encyclopedic Clinical Internships I and II, and it aims to further deepen the skills and competencies acquired in these courses. As in the case of the encyclopaedic internships, the content of the course remains familiarization with the workplaces that provide clinical psychological care for children and adults, passive and active participation in the operation of individual workplaces, practical practice of direct and indirect clinical psychological activities, becoming familiar with legislation and increasing professional competencies.

The course also includes reflection on the experience gained and skills acquired.