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Scientific research internship - advanced

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1.Psychologický výzkum a jeho etapy.

2. Tvorba výzkumného projektu - jeho etapy (hypotézy, použité metody, tvorba vzorku.

3. Realizace výzkumného projektu.

4. Zpracování dat, prezentace dat, závěrečná zpráva.

5. Žánry publikování výstupů z výzkumu.


The aim of the internship is to cover the ongoing collaboration of students on scientific projects, to familiarize them with the forms of professional scientific work and to encourage them to bring their own work to the level of their own scientific outputs. During the internship, the student participates in research work on one of the projects carried out in the Department of Psychology or in collaborating departments.

Under the supervision of one of the researchers, the student cooperates in data collection, processing and analysis, prepares the materials for the preparation of a research report or participates in it as a co-author, or prepares an independent article for publication on the assigned topic. Alternatively, the student may elaborate his/her own research carried out in the course of the study into a publishable form (scientific article, conference paper).

Another option is a research project proposal formulated, for example, in the form of a grant application.