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Psychotherapeutic Schools and Their Use in Practice

Class at Faculty of Education |


The course follows upon the mandatory course Basics of Psychotherapy. It offers an extended, in-depth presentation of the basic psychotherapeutic modalities that are practiced in the Czech Republic. They will gain insight into the theory of each modality, as well as into differences and commonalities between different approaches. Students are going to meet face-to-face with experts in each area introduced. Speakers are going to use examples from their practice and if possible, they will let students try techniques that are typically used in a particular approach. The information gained in the course should help students in deciding whether or not they are going to study further towards becoming psychotherapist after graduating university, and also in choosing their preferred modality. The course is going to cover the following:

1. Introduction

2. Psychoanalysis

3. Psychodynamic psychotherapy

4. Person-Centered psychotherapy

5. Logotherapy

6. Gestalt psychotherapy

7. Cognitive-Behavioral psychotherapy

8. Systemic psychotherapy

9. Family psychotherapy

10. Biosynthesis / Pesso Boyden Therapy

11. IntegrativepPsychotherapy 12: Discussion with students. Readings: Kalina, K. (2013). Psychoterapeutické systémy a jejich uplatnění v adiktologii. Praha: Grada Prochaska, J. O.; Norcross, J. C. (1999). Psychoterapeutické systémy. Praha: Grada Vybíral, Z.; Roubal, J. (eds.) (2010). Současná psychoterapie. Praha: Portál Castonguay, B. (2006): Principles of therapeutic change that works. Oxford: Oxford University Press Evans, G (2005): Úvod do integrativní psychoterapie. Praha: Triton McWilliams, N. (2015). Psychoanalytická diagnóza. Praha: Portál Norcross, J. C. (2011): Psychotherapy relationships that work: Evidence-based responsivness. Oxford: Oxford University Press Sanders, P. (Ed.). (2012). The Tribes of the Person-Centred Nation: An Introduction to the Schools of Therapy Related to the Person-Centred Approach. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books Requirements: Attendance is mandatory and students are expected to participate in the discussion. Students are going to take an open-book exam / essay at the end of the course.