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Man in the history of thought

Class at Faculty of Education |

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(Každé z následujících témat předpokládáno na 1-2 setkání.)

1. Co je to myšlení?

2. Co je to CO?

3. Co je to čas?

4. Co je člověk?

5. Co jsou dějiny?

6. Subjekt a svět.

7. Subjekt a dějiny.

8. Subjekt, věda a vzdělání.

9. Má tělo dějiny?

10. Konec světa.


The course attempts to get students thinking. It takes advantage of the fact that, although science had displaced the category of essence and meaning from its framework, this category was revived again in the early 20th century, along with the problem of historicity.

We start from the assumption that, at least within the European tradition, we cannot do without the category of essence when it comes to the pillars of that tradition: humanity, education, thought.