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Chamber Orchestra Collegium Paedagogicum

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Studium vybraných komorních skladeb v rámci výuky. Provedení skladeb pro smyčcový orchestr. Práce orchestru se sborem. Soustředění a koncerty se sborem.

Termíny vystoupení orchestru jsou uvedeny v sylabu předmětu zajišťujícího výuku orchestru (v zimním semestru Sborová a orchestrální praxe I - OPBH4H013A, v letním semestru Sborová a orchestrální praxe II - OPBH4H023A).


Orchestral practice and playing in a chamber orchestra are, besides individual instrumental instruction, necessary for the application of the players to a musical instrument. The Chamber Orchestra of the Faculty of Education is intended only for string instruments.

Teaching orchestral practice brings experience in ensemble playing, collective work, adaptability, perception of its play in accordance with other instruments, rhythmically, intonation and dynamic. Playing in a chamber orchestra is a preparation for students to work in practice from the perspective of professional musicians or teachers who should be able to work with instrumental polyphony, or lead instrumental ensembles in the context of teaching activities.

In the framework of orchestral practice, students learn the necessary fundamentals for playing in the orchestra, orientation in composition from a formal point of view, orientation in their part, interplay in the instrumental group, and responding to the conductor's gestures. Playing in a chamber orchestra extends students' knowledge of the reperoire of chamber and orchestral compositions.

Part of the lessons are public performances, which are the culmination of creative work, but will also bring students experience with behavior and performance on the concert stage. Creative cooperation, presentation at concerts of the faculty and university, getting to know the organizational operation of the orchestra - all this is an important motivating factor for the future study and work of a versatile music teacher.