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Vocal-Instrumental Forms

Class at Faculty of Education |


A study of the analysis of chosen works of western music / vocal-instrumental forms / from its beginnings through the end of the 20th century 

Emphasis will be placed on developing a thorough knowledge of vocal-instrumental literature and focus on 12 specific works. 

The course will include the study of both sacred and secular music. It will place a strong emphasis on listening to and identifying various compositional styles of music.


The subject presents the most frequent vocal-instrumental forms, which are key to learning music at elementary and middle school. Distinguishes between form and genre, and illuminates their intersections with the practical handling of music as a subject of listening and interpretation. The aim of the subjekt is acquisition of knowledge about the development, principles and characteristics of mold building and mold representation in specific genres of musical works, practical mastery of basic mechanisms of composition small forms of vocal and instrumental music.


A study of the analysis of western music / vocal-instrumental forms / from its beginnings through the end of the 20th century

Emphasis will be placed on developing a thorough knowledge of vocal-instrumental literature and focus on 12 specific works.

The course will include the study of both sacred and secular music. It will place a strong emphasis on listening to and identifying various compositional styles of music. Upon successful completion of the course Vocal-Instrumental Forms, students will be expected to:

Demonstrate a basic knowledge of significant composers and works related to Western vocal-instrumental music

Apply understanding of stylistic trends through aural recognition and analysis of representative works

Identify the various genres of music and trace their development through the major historical periods

Understand and describe the development of instruments

Analyze representative works and evaluate how music was shaped (voluntarily: by broad political, cultural, and economic trends and by the values of the society that produced it)

Evaluate the impact of past musical developments on present-day musical practices in the field of vocal-instrumental forms