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Traumatology and first aid

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Evaluation of the athlete's state of health and inclusion in health groups.

2. Athlete performance testing.

3. Traumatology as a specialized medical field, division of injuries and damage to health from the perspective of emergency.

4. First aid - definition and goals of PP.

5. Types of first aid Damage to health - definition, injuries - definition PP in life-threatening conditions PP in case of other damage to health and accidents.6 Principles of safety in sports activities and prevention of sports injuries. 7 Ways and techniques of positioning the victim and methods of improvised transport.


The aim of the course is to give students an idea of ​​the work of a doctor in terms of assessing the health and development of athletes, to acquaint them with the risks of injuries and damage to health during active exercise and teach them to respond to these conditions and provide adequate first aid. In addition to the introduction of physical education medicine, the basic topics are: traumatology as a specialized medical field, division of injuries and damage to health from the emergency point of view, first aid - definitions, goals, types of first aid, first aid for life-threatening conditions, help with other health damage and injuries, principles safety in the operation of sports activities and prevention of sports injuries, methods and techniques of positioning the injured and methods of improvised transport.

Legal aspects of the issue. The course ends with a knowledge and practical test of mastering the techniques of providing first aid in life-threatening conditions and other damage to health and injuries.

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