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Athletic - game course

Class at Faculty of Education |



1. Technique and rules of running disciplines. Didactics of running disciplines (fast endurance running, starts, relay and obstacle running). Movement games focused on preparation for sprint, obstacles, relays and starts.

2. Technique and rules of jumping disciplines. Didactics of jumping disciplines (high and long jump, pole vault). Movement games focused on preparation for jumps.

3. Technique and rules of throwing disciplines (ball, spear, ball, disc). Movement games focused on preparation for throws and litters.

4. Athletic multi-combat (rules, organization, training and competition regime, athletic multi-combat within school TV and school competitions).

5. Problems of teaching athletics to primary and secondary school pupils. Motivation in athletics. Motor learning applications. Use of didactic styles in athletics. Pedagogical outputs.

6. Basic rules and decision-making, preparation and organization of athletic competitions.

7. Information about less used athletic disciplines at school (triple jump, pole vault, hammer throw, all-around)

8. Non-traditional athletic disciplines, possibilities of their use in school teaching and leisure activities.

9. Theoretical foundations of athletic disciplines (biomechanics, technique, didactics, basics of training, stretching and relaxation in athletic training). Sports games:

1. Theory, technique, tactics, systematics, methodology and didactics of selected non-traditional sports games

2. Theory and practice of softball

3. Theory and practice of tennis

4. Ultimate frisbee theory and practice

5. Theory and practice of disc golf

6. Theory and practice of speedminton

7. Theory and practice of beach volleyball

8. Theory and practice of football

9. Didactic aspects of teaching sports games

10. Application of didactic principles in the teaching process of sports games

11. Implementation and evaluation of pedagogical outputs of students


The aim of the course is in terms of athletics to acquire and consolidate the necessary teaching skills in athletic disciplines. Improving athletic versatility. Technique of athletic disciplines with regard to the peculiarities of the technique of children and youth. Movement games in athletics. Personal improvement in the disciplines of athletic multi-combat, the use of training methods and resources in conjunction with forms of regeneration and relaxation. Athletic multi-combat (rules, organization, training and competition regime, athletic multi-combat within school TV and school competitions). The issue of teaching athletics to primary and secondary school pupils. Motivation in athletics. Application of motor learning and use of didactic styles in athletics. Pedagogical outputs. Basic rules and decisions, preparation and organization of athletic competitions. The aim of the field of sports games is to acquaint students with lesser-known sports games (rules, technique and tactics, methodology and didactics) softball, frisbee ultimate, disc golf, tennis, speedminton, beach volleyball, football, etc.). Specifics of teaching children and youth in traditional and less common sports games. Non-traditional sports games, their use in school TV and leisure activities. Didactic aspects of teaching sports games. Implementation and evaluation of students' pedagogical outputs. Credit - verification of the level of physical abilities and skills. The oral exam verifies theoretical knowledge in the field of athletics and sports games, which includes a description of the technique of movement skills, training methodology, the specifics of motor learning for different age and performance categories.

The aim of the course

Study programmes