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Didactics of TV II

Class at Faculty of Education |


Lectures: An overview of the historical development of teaching methods in swimming. Meaning, tasks and goals of swimming.

Stages of swimming training. The influence of swimming training on the development of individual key competencies.

Preparatory, basic and improvement stages of swimming lessons - didactic aspects of teaching, teaching methods, organizational forms, use of games in swimming lessons, safety aspects during teaching, swimming aids, training of swimming movements and skills. Movement activities in Framework educational programs.

Children's needs and starting points for the implementation of physical activities in the primary school regime, or high school Child's personality. Physical activity and health.

Ontogeny of motor skills, forms, methods, procedures, organization in physical education, projects. Structural concept of sports performance, talent selection.

Age norms in sports, specifics of training for children and youth - conditioning, technical, tactical and psychological preparation. Components and stages of sports training, issues of early specialization.

Didactic aspects of training children and youth. Application of sports training principles to school physical education.

Current trends and tendencies in sports training. Seminars: Didactic outputs, their evaluation, presentation of the chosen didactic problem, its analysis and starting points.

Swimming lessons for first graders.


The subject is focused on practical and theoretical skills and knowledge for conducting sports training and exercise activities as part of physical education at primary and secondary schools. Students will deepen their didactic skills and knowledge with an emphasis on specific (problematic) didactic situations.

Ontogeny of motor skills, forms, methods, procedures, organization in physical education, forms of interest. The course includes didactic aspects of the specifics of training children and youth, the application of the principles of sports training to school physical education.

Use of teaching methods in swimming, didactics of swimming - practical training of children in basic swimming training, including familiarization of children with conditions, organization, hygiene and safety, swimming lessons according to age and performance groups, use of swimming aids for training. The subject is completed by basic familiarization with the methodology and didactics of basic swimming training for all age categories.

Study programmes