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Condition Gymnastics

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Programy protahovacího charakteru

Programy posilovacího charakteru

Programy vytrvalostního charakteru

Věková, zdravotní a výkonnostní hlediska při tvorbě programů

Kruhový trénink

Struktura hodiny kondiční gymnastiky

Didaktické zásady, metody, styly a formy v kondiční gymnastice


The aim is to master the theoretical principles and practical application in the creation of specific programs for the development of motor abilities for different groups of athletes. Age and performance specifics.

Health and performance oriented fitness. Specific training of strength ability, endurance, speed abilites, coordination abilities and flexibility developmnet.Age, health and performance aspects in creating programs.

Circuit Training. Means of movement.

Structure of the lesson. Didactic principles, methods, styles and forms in fitness gymnastics.

Development of motor abilities in school.

Study programmes