1. citace, plagiáty
2. elektronické zdroje, databáze
3. tvorba názvu práce, abstraktu, klíčová slova
4. formulace hypotéz, vstupní a výstupní proměnné
5. Popisná statistika, průměr, SD, modus, medián, variační rozpětí, CV
6. vlastnosti testu, ověřování hypotéz
The aim is to prepare the student to perform the necessary procedures in creating a thesis with emphasis on the type of theoretical-empirical work. The stages of the research process, its design and implementation will be analyzed.
Observations and types of descriptive studies. Experiment and types of experiments.
Quality research. Research file, size and types of research file selection.
Diagnostic tools - types of tools and evaluation of their properties. Use of information sources - orientation in scientific databases.
Descriptive and inductive statistics. Structure and preparation of the diploma thesis syllabus.
The course ends with the elaboration of the concept of the diploma thesis and its presentation.