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Philosophical aspects of physical culture

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Body phenomenon, culture phenomenon. Kalokagathia as a harmony between body care (technai) and soul care (epimeleia).

2. Arete as the basis of Olympic philosophy.

3. Philosophy of the body in the sense of soma, sarx and pexis. Philosophy of performance then and today.

4. Hermeneutics of sport. Fair play as a basis for body care and soul care.

5. Philosophy of movement in antiquity and today. Exercise and health.

6. Crossing borders as the essence of the meaning of human life.

7. Sport as self-realization in performance society.

8. Philosophy of play as a basis of sport and physical culture.

9. The phenomenon of falconry and its relation to the ideal of Kalokagathia. The phenomenon of scouting and its relationship to nature.

10. Body culture and its relation to aesthetics and axiology. Current problems of the cult of physical beauty, the cult of strength in relation to the practice of physical education and sport.

11. Sport and physical culture in Czech fiction.


Physical culture (hereinafter TK) as a socio-cultural phenomenon, its place in the cultural development of mankind and the changing role in various socio-historical conditions. The development of physical culture in prehistory, antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.

The place of TC in the life of modern man and society. Special emphasis is placed on the philosophical concept of physical culture in history and contemporary society in the context of its development and its understanding and perception of society as a whole.

Issues of hypokinetic lifestyle, health-oriented fitness and mental resilience, quality of life, health and lifestyle. TK and its subsystems - physical education, sport, physical recreation and physical rehabilitation - their structure and function in the TK system.

Kinanthropology as a discipline and its structure. The course ends with a interview on the topic of basic phenomena of physical culture.

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