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Contexts of Art II

Class at Faculty of Education |


The methodological concept of the subject is based on the analysis of the means of expression of fine arts, music, literature, drama, film, etc. Two to three types of art or artistic genres will be selected for specific implementation in accordance with the interest of students and their professional profile.

The concept of the course is focused on the methodological aspects of artistic comparison, acquaints with the terminology of both disciplines and with specific examples of comparison of fine arts and music from impressionism to the present. Objective of the course in terms of learning outcomes and competences: To compare art and music and other freely chosen art types, to gain a more comprehensive view of art from the end of the 19th century to the 20th century and to master the method of comparison.

Syllabus: Lectures: New forms of figurative art and tonal music I + Direct speech of visual and sound reality I, II New forms of figurative art and tonal music II + Rational current Rational abstract art and serial music + Geometric abstraction, constructivism and dodecaphony + Op -art, neoconstructivism and multiserial music + Minimal art and minimal music New forms of figurative art and tonal music III + Abstract expressionism and atonal and aleatoric music New forms of figurative art and tonal music IV + Aestheticizing current and musical phase of painting