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Continuous Praxis at Primary School

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Úvodní setkání; charakteristika předmětu; organizace praxí Plánování a příprava výuky, práce s kurikulárními dokumenty Realizace praxí ve školách; hospitace vyučujících kurzu v hodinách vedených studenty Individuální konzultace Hodnocení a evaluace výuky Společná prezentace a reflexe realizovaných celků


The internship will acquaint students with the specific school environment of the Second Grade Elementary School or the lower grade of the grammar school, with how it structures the demands on teachers. Students will go through situations of teaching art education first in the position of an observer (listening lessons), later in cooperation with a faculty teacher in the role of a teacher.

The independent management of the lessons takes place in cooperation with the faculty teacher and in connection with his teaching plan. They gain experience with the role of a teacher, through records they return to their outputs and evaluate and compare their performance.

They learn to build a lesson within a thematic unit so that they can verify their own teaching goals. They work with short-term and long-term teaching plans, they learn to take into account the conditions and possibilities of a particular school.

They also apply the acquired skills in the evaluation of lessons, both in terms of course and results, as well as through the conceptual analysis of objectives and the overall concept of teaching. Continuous practice is focused primarily on developing and consolidating the basic skills needed for the preparation, self-management and effective reflection of lessons.

Based on their own pedagogical experience, students are aware of, reflect and refine their ideas about the forms and contents of art education, they know the importance of communication between teachers and students. They also develop their ability to perceive a specific situation in relation to the needs and abilities of students and the class team.

Based on a joint analysis of specific outputs, students formulate their own concept of teaching art education, which they further refine in joint discussions. Introductory meetings; subject characteristics; organization of internships Planning and preparation of teaching, work with curricular documents Realization of internships in schools Individual consultations Joint presentation and reflection of implemented units.