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Orbis Pictus

Class at Faculty of Education |


In the context of the didactic portfolio and the student's experience with their own proposals for educational activities for the gallery/museum, the course focuses on the theoretical deepening of empirical knowledge: on an open understanding of the multiple functions of the image or artifact in contemporary culture and their perception, on reflection on animation practice in cultural institutions, and then on thematization and conceptual analysis of a specific educational model. Deepening the professional reflection of the educational program is its link to the educational mission of the art museum and gallery and the reflection of the links of education in the cultural institution to the possibilities of the school and the subsequent creative project in art education.

The issue will be explicated through examples and content analysis of the educational practice of top cultural institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad (e.g. Tate Modern, NY MoMA, Mori Art Museum Tokyo, NG Prague, U(P)M in Prague, DOX, etc.) Possibilities of interpretive frameworks and identification of themes with pedagogical implications.

Conceptual analysis of the content and structure of the educational proposal in the student's portfolio. Relationship to RVP, Art and Culture area, characteristics of the area. 2.

Empirical spectator, visual semiotics, intervisuality and discursive layers influence the reading of meaning, significance and functions of the artwork, contexts and plurality of interpretations of a cultural artifact. In-depth study of interpretive strategies and strategies of contemporary art practice, art pedagogy and curatorial approaches - the transformation of social practices of the artifact in the context of the "turn to the image" and the "social and collaborative turn" in art, the turn to visual literacy. 3.

Discursive models of education for galleries, museums, and art museums - the experiential viewer before the image.  Examples of good practice and content analysis.  Depending on the possibilities, some parts of the course may be implemented in the educational departments of cooperating institutions (e.g. U(P)M, House of the Black Mother of God, DOX, independent galleries, etc.).