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Gallery and Museum Education 2

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Eva Koťátková a její dílo - rešerše, konceptová analýza (témata, postupy, aktéři)

účast na sympoziu Umění být jinou/jiným (bude upřesněno) diksuse o klíčových tématech kurzu: inkluze, exkluze, institucionalizace, jinakost, sociokulturní stereotypy, současná škola a umění příprava vzdělávacího programu ve skupinách prezentace rozpracovaných edukačních programů, diskuse závěrečné kolokvium


The aim of the course is to lead students to an open understanding of the multiple functions of the artifact in contemporary culture, to the reflection of animation practice in cultural institutions and then to the thematization and conceptual analysis of a specific educational model. We will deal experimentally with topics: inclusion, exclusion, institutionalization, otherness, sociocultural stereotypes.

The research of these topics will take place in the context of the international project AMASS and in connection with the work of Eva Koťátková Interviews with the Monster. The output of the course is the creation of a group design of an educational project, enabling the mediation of selected topics to a diverse audience.

Individual elements of the project are scenarios of animation activities.