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Studio 5 - 3D Art and performing Arts in relation to Visual Art

Class at Faculty of Education |

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úvodní setkání 11.10.2021prostor jako já 18.10.2021prostor pro komunikaci 25.10.2021setkávání / míjení 1.11.2021 soustředění / neklid 8.11.2021 konzultace autorských projektů 15.11.2021 konzultace autorských projektů 22.11.2021 konzultace autorských projektů 29.11.2021gesto jako názor 6.12.2021geometri v prostoru 13.12.2021konzultace autorských projektů 20.12.2021konzultace autorských projektů 3.1.2022


A follow up on experiences tested in a previous semester in the field of visual drama. Creating a project based on a theme that has been announced.

The project relates to the field of performing arts, students choose from a wide range of artistic means to achieve an original artistic expression within their concept. The course is structured in such a way, that students can work on the project both individually or in groups, according to their project intension.