Kurz seznamuje studenty s problematikou empirického výzkumu ve výtvarné výchově, zaměřuje se na realizovatelnost výzkumu a aplikaci výzkumných výsledků pro školní praxi. Kurz je navazující, rozvíjí získané znalosti a schopnosti (formulace výzkumného problému, výzkumných otázek, stanovení teoretických kontextů, stanovení výzkumné metody, analýza a kódování dat, vyhodnocení a interpretace dat) v rovině aplikace.
\r\n1) qualitative and quntitative research in Art education
\r\n2) basic aproach in research
\r\n(case study, grounded theory, action research, etc.)
\r\n3) methodology and methods
\r\n(analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abduction)
\r\n1) preparation and planing research
\r\n2) data collection
\r\n3) data coding and representing
\r\n4) data evaluation and interpretation
\r\n5) final report about research
\r\nkey words:
\r\nqualitative research, quantitative research, Art education, Art
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Theory 1) qualitative and quntitative research in Art education 2) basic aproach in research
(case study, grounded theory, action research, etc.) 3) methodology and methods
(analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abduction)
Practice 1) preparation and planing research 2) data collection 3) data coding and representing 4) data evaluation and interpretation 5) final report about research key words: qualitative research, quantitative research, Art education, Art
Students will learn basic topics of empirical research and its use in pedagogical practice in Art education. Students will be led to obtain and practice skills to interpret practical experiences from pedagogical practice and to formulate them as research guestions, hypotheses and problems.
Students will learn how to prepare, plan, realize and evaluate their own training research (action research).