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Philosophy of Education I

Class at Faculty of Education |



The place of Philosophy of Education in Czech philosophical context.

Three dimensions of education.

Education as a form of life movement – the importance of home.

Archetypes of education – paideia, educatio and instrumental approach to education.

Education as care for soul – Platonic-Patočka’s tradition.

Popper’s critique and its implications for interpretation of Platonic tradition.

The difference between elenctic and agonal dialogue.

Education as a relationship to world – the nature of education responsibility.

Komenský’s pampaedia and its implications to present.

Education as a meeting – dialogic philosophy.

Dilemmas and antinomy of education.

Education in crisis and education as way out of the global crisis of the world.


The course Philosophy of Education cultivates the future teachers’ ability to think about the nature of their work and motivates them to keep the questioning of thinking. It forms the specifics and differences between the pedagogical (theory of education) and philosophic approach to education.

It deals with the relationship between education, learning, literacy and qualification. It thematises ethos of teaching and pedagogical profession.