2. Vymezení a druhy normality.
3. Definiční znaky sociální deviace.
4. Sociální a nesociální deviace.
5. Normativní a reaktivní koncepce sociální deviace.
6. Cíle, funkce a příčiny deviantního chování.
7. Biologické, psychologické a sociologické teorie deviantního chování.
8. Vybrané projevy deviantního chování.
Social deviance and content related terms.
Definition and types of normality.
Defining characteristics of social deviance.
Social and non-social deviance.
Normative and reactive conception of social deviance.
Objectives, functions and causes of deviant behaviour.
Biological, psychological and sociological theories of deviant behaviour.
Selected manifestations of deviant behaviour.
Social deviance and content related terms.Definition and types of normality.Defining characteristics of social deviance.Social and non-social deviance.Normative and reactive conception of social deviance.Objectives, functions and causes of deviant behaviour.Biological, psychological and sociological theories of deviant behaviour.Selected manifestations of deviant behaviour.
The course defines the interpretation of forms of social deviance in the broader context. It brings forward ethopedic issues.
Classical biological, psychological and sociological theories of deviant behaviour are described and analysed during the course. The emphasis is on the integrative and interdisciplinary approach to the problem of social deviations.
Conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues associated with the study of social deviance are discussed. Basic terms related to social deviancy are defined as part of the course, including normality and its types.
Also, objectives and causes of deviant behaviour are presented and discussed. The course also includes the analysis of selected manifestations of deviant behaviour.