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Pedagogical Practice in Basic Schools

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Seznámení s přidělenou fakultní školou a požadavky na praxi.

2. Práva a povinnosti studenta na praxi.

3. Tvorba oborového portfolia z praxe.

4. Didaktická analýza učiva.

5. Analýza dostupných učebnic.

6. Reflexe praxe.

7. Práce s portfoliem.


The course includes a controlled continuous pedagogical practice of students at primary schools under the supervision of subject didactics. The internship takes place at faculty schools under the guidance of experienced teachers who deal with health promotion education and are continuously continuing their education in this area.

Before starting the internship, students attend an instructional seminar, during their internship, each student completes a specified number of observations and their own outputs. Individual student outputs are didactically analyzed.

Emphasis is placed on the reflection of one's own pedagogical work in the final seminar.