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Cultural and social anthropology

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Na počátku byl konflikt: Charles Darwin a evolucionismus

2. Edward Burnett Taylor: evolucionismus vstupuje do antropologie

3. James George Frazer, totemismus a Zlatá ratolest

4. Fridrich Max Müller a zrození moderního rasismu

5. Na scénu vstupují Francouzi: Emile Durkheim, Marcel Mauss, Georges Dumézil

6. Franz Boas: triumf kultury nad rasou?

7. Afred Kroeber: historická makrodata a ženská móda

8. Kultura, dospívání a ženství: Ruth Benedict a Margaret Mead

9. Zrození funkcionalismu: Bronislaw Malinowski a Alfred Ratcliffe-Brown

10. Claude Lévi-Strauss a jeho struktualismus

11. Julian Steward a Leslie White: návrat evolucionismu

12. Victor Turner a "lidé na okraji".


This is a course subsuming essential information of cultural and social anthropology, as well as on the historical development of the discipline. Summaries of basic features of economic, social, political and spiritual achievements of the relevant societies are followed by survey of the main figures and trends in research of this orientation since the 19th century.

The course includes information on relations between cultural and social anthropology with a wider area of humanity disciplines, as well as on contributions on the formation of public opinion and political trends leaning on research conducted in terms of this discipline.