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Personal and social preparation of teacher for inclusive classroom

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Definice traumatu 4 pilíře TR přístupu

Identifikace ohroženého dítěte

Domácí násilí

Komunikace s ohroženým dítětem

Stres a jeho působení

Podpůrné prostředí

Regulační pomůcky



The course is part of the offer of courses within the project “Support of undergraduate education at the Faculty of Education of Charles University“ (reg. No.

CZ.02.3.68 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 16_038 / 0006965), subactivity It is a practical personal and social preparation of students of general education subjects. The course is divided into five full-time meetings, which work gradually on topics such as identity, vision, personal boundaries and comfort zone, social role, conflict, power, empathy or respectful communication mostly using methods of personal social education, drama education and experiential education.

Each attendance session is preceded by preparation in the online Moodle environment. The aim of the course is to deepen self-knowledge of future teachers and to build respect for diversity as the basic conditions for working with a heterogeneous group in an inclusive classroom.

At each full-time meeting there is also a space for reflecting on new experiences and thinking about integrating newly acquired knowledge into their future teacher practice and for working in an inclusive classroom.