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Pedagogical and Psychological Practice with Reflection

Class at Faculty of Education |


Thematic areas of the portfolio: Pedagogical communication in the teaching process. Pedagogical work of teachers focusing on selected aspects (class management, work with pupils with SEN and OMJ, prevention of risky behavior, school counseling office). Student activities at school:

1. focused listening sessions (communication and teaching strategies)

2. analytical analysis of lessons with school teachers

3. Analytical analyzes of lessons with faculty pedagogues and classmates

4. thematic seminars with school teachers and faculty pedagogues, group preparation of a presentation of an optional topic

5. preparation of a practical portfolio, which can be used for the state final exam.


The course introduces students to the teaching profession and the job of a teacher in the overall context of school operation. In particular, it focuses on teacher-student interactions in the educational process and related non-teaching activities.

The accompanying seminars will theoretically reflect on general pedagogical and psychological aspects of teaching according to the assignments for the practice portfolio.

Study programmes