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Chapters of History of Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. The educational ideal in antiquity and in Christianity.

2. Humanistic and Protestant tradition of the Czech school - J. Blahoslav, J. A. Komenský.

3. The concept of natural and free education - J. J. Rousseau, L. N. Tolstoy.

4. Development of girls' education and schools for the disadvantaged.

5. Pedagogical reformism - Czech country, abroad.

6. Development of the school as an educational institution.

7. Development of teacher education.


The subject deepens students' orientation in the history of pedagogy, especially with regard to the historical anchoring of selected schools of thought that speak in the pedagogical and wider social science discourse.

The aim of the seminar is to remind and update the ideas that led to the gradual humanization of education, to the departure from unambiguously authoritative guidance of the child (pupil), to the turn to the child and the emphasis on the concept of natural and free education as well as on the connection between school and active life.

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