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Preparation of citizens for state protection

Class at Faculty of Education |



1. Introduction to study, teaching objectives, study materials and organization of teaching. History of civil defense and protection, Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols, legislation. Extraordinary events (MU), classification of MU, possible threats in the Czech Republic and abroad, prevention of occurrence, reactions, the most common MU in the Czech Republic. Identification of risks associated with the organization of school activities in and out of school.2. Integrated rescue system, basic and other components, opportunities for cooperation in educational activities.3. Measures to protect the population - warning, hiding, evacuation, emergency survival, individual protection. Principles of application of individual measures within school activities.

4. Emergency calls, emergency communication, psychosocial assistance.

5. Framework educational programs for further education and integration of issues of human protection in common risks and emergencies.

6. Didactic aids for teaching OČBRMU - technical, audiovisual, interactive, educational materials, textbooks, methodical sheets, educational board games and other teaching aids.

7. Health care I. Prevention in health care, safe behavior at MU endangering the life and health of individuals and entire groups of the population.

8. Health care II. First aid.

9. Crime prevention, child crime.

10. Basic child safety, safety architecture. Protection of "soft targets".

11. Object safety of school facilities.

12. Principles of behavior in the event of an aggressive attack by an attacker on school premises.


The course will introduce the development of civil protection and the tasks of public administration in ensuring security. At the beginning of the course, students are presented with the most important legal regulations and definitions of basic concepts of these topics.

The integration of the issue of human protection under common risks and emergencies into the framework educational programs for basic education is addressed. In the study process, students will acquire knowledge to implement the correct behavior in an emergency, self-help and mutual assistance, basic skills and knowledge of how to prevent emergencies and how to protect themselves and students in the event of its occurrence.

The course ends with a written test on the issues discussed.

Study programmes