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Teaching practice in leisure centers

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1.   Student pravidelně 2 hodiny týdně po celý semestr pracuje s žáky prvního stupně v oblasti volného času. Zařízení/školu, v rámci kterého/které vykonává tuto praxi,  kontaktuje sám student.

2.   Student se účastní úvodního informačního semináře a  závěrečného reflektivního semináře na fakultě.

3.   Student plní úkoly reflektivního charakteru v elektronickém kurzu v Moodlu.

4.   Na závěr praxe si student vyžádá potvrzení o provedené praxi s hodnocením.

5.   Student prezentuje ve studijní skupině v rámci závěrečného setkání své zkušenosti s prací v mimoškolních aktivitách žáků a sebehodnocení svých znalostí a dovedností, které tato práce vyžaduje.


he aim of the course is to systematically support and develop the competences of teachers in the area of ​​working with pupils in leisure-time facilities of various orientation and character. Teaching students gain the opportunity to work systematically with pupils in the area of ​​leading or assisting hobby groups, tutoring primary school pupils, lecturing, tandem teaching experienced teachers and beginning teachers.

An integral part of the course objective is the development of reflective and self-reflective skills of the teacher. Specifically, this means that teachers receive a systematic opportunity to work regularly with a group of pupils in a selected area of ​​leisure time activities.

It enables students to gain experience in organizing and securing interest, educational and recreational activities, to deepen practical experience in the area of ​​leading pupils of primary and secondary schools. At the same time, students can participate in the work of a teacher's assistant, for example in organizing the preparation of pupils. for entrance examinations, various competitions, work with a group of pupils, etc.

We assume that this teaching practice will enable students to develop the following competences and areas of development: Application of the acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of pediatric psychology. preparation Increasing the level of empathy Developing diagnostic skills Developing skills to seek and apply individualized and differentiated approaches and strategies of working with pupils Developing reflection and self-reflection