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Biomechanics of Tissues

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Prohloubení znalostí o mechanických vlastnostech tkání 1. zopakování základních pojmů a veličin 2. zásady experimentálního přístupu, zadání úlohy pro cvičení


Aplikace přednášené látky 1. praktické měření vlastností vybraných tkání v laboratoři 2. konzultace, oprava zprávy z měření, zápočet


A facultative supplementary subject recommended to pre-graduate students in the Rehabilitation branches of study. The course contains themes concerning mechanical characteristics of tissues, and their ontogenetic and pathological variability.

The subject also deals with methods of their identification and diagnostics. Special attention is paid to the natural viscoelasticity of soft tissues.

The subject is suitable for post-graduate students oriented on pathology of movement, regeneration, re-conditioning, applied ergonomics and kinesiotherapy. It is advisable to enrol also for the course on bio-cybernetics (BioCyb).

The teaching is performed in blocks agreed with the teacher.