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Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Characteristics of the field, definitions, classification.

2. Structure and behavior of human movement system, its subsystems

3. Basic concepts of motion geometry

4. Operation with vectors

5. Musculoskeletal system

6. Motion kinematics

7. Moment of Force

8. Motion dynamics

9. Energy aspect of movement

10. Influence of environment on human physical movement

11. Mechanical interaction man - environment (sports equipment, tools, etc.)

12. Mechanical interaction of human - resistive forces of the environment

13. Biomechanical characteristics of sport movement

14. Injuries and tolerances to exercise load


The aim of the course is to deepen the knowledge of physics (especially mechanics) and their application in the field of biomechanics. Teaching focuses on topics such as vector operations, motion geometry and quantities describing motion kinematics, motion dynamics and its energy aspect. An important aspect is the influence of the environment on human physical movement.

Seminars will be held in a computer lab focusing on deepening Excel spreadsheet knowledge and graphical solutions for working with physical variables.