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Fundamentals of Biophysics and Biomechanics I

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Přednášky na téma

1. Systémový aspekt (vztah struktura - chování - funkce ), obecný vztah mezi silou, impedancí a tokem

2. Termodynamika a Mechanika tekutin

3. Vibrace

4. Hydroterapie, Masážní vany, vířivé vany a bazény, Masážní oleje a emulze

5. Roztoky a koloidy

6. Akustika

7. Ultrazvukové terapeutické přístroje, Ultrazvukové diagnostické přístroje

8. Elektřina a magnetismus

9. Elektroléčba, Elektrické stimulátory

10. Optika

11. Laserová terapie

12. Magnetoterapie, Pulzní magnetické pole, aplikátory

13. Přístroje kombinované - různé typy terapií (např. elektroléčba, ultrazvuk, laser)

14. Masážní zařízení, principy mechanického působení, vakuově kompresní terapie


Learning outcomes of the course unit The subject acquaints students with physical laws of biological phenomena. Emphasis is placed on the ability to apply general physical principles in the medical environment.

It is an understanding of the principle of both investigative and therapeutic procedures, primarily of the musculoskeletal system, which are based on physical principles. It is necessary to monitor the development of new technologies that appear in clinical practice, such as imaging (ultrasound, doppler, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging).

The biophysical part contains the following thematic scopes: the system aspect, mechanics, mechanics of liquids, vibrations, acoustics, thermodynamics, solutions and colloids, electricity and magnetism, optics, ionisation radiation. The biomechanical part of the course contains fundamental concepts; the movement system; human movement from the perspective of kinematics; dynamics of human movement; mechanical characteristics of tissues; locomotion, manipulation and postural stability.