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Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Lectures: 1. Neurophysiological basis of strengthening 2-5. Strength training theory 6. Variants of core training and strength using balancing aids 7. Didactics and organization of strength training

Exercises 1. Core training and strength using balancing aids 2. Strengthening the arms and girdles of the legs and legs 3. Complex exercises 4. Development of maximum strength, hypertrophy and endurance strength 5. Development of fast, reactive and explosive forces 6. Training plans (didactic outputs) I. 7. Training plans (didactic outputs) II.


The course focuses on the methodology of strengthening different types of strength. Students will gain knowledge about safety during strengthening, warming up before strength training, about prevention of health problems by appropriate strength training. In practice, examples of individual force methods are discussed. Strengthening is focused on basic free weights exercises used in sports such as athletics and sports games. Individual lessons discuss the stimulation of strength to large muscle groups and torso.

Conditions for granting credital part of subject:

Successfully passing all the followings: a) Accepted seminar work b) Model performances: c) Barbell back squat loaded with weight equal the weight of individual himself d) Barbell deadlift loaded with weight equal the weight of individual himself (2x) e) Clean exercise - women 25kg, men 40kg

Exam Conditions:

To be allowed for exam part of subject, credital part has to be successfully done.

Passing the theoretical test

Obtaining credits from subject: Successfully passing credital part + exam part of subject