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Sport Specialization 2 - Athletics - Throws

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Content of theoretical lessons:

1. Introduction to throwing events specialization and assignments

2. Common basics and differences in traning methods in youth and adult athletes

3. Structure of performance in throwing events

4. Analysis of TE and DI ball throw

5. Analysis of TE and DI javelin throw

6. Analysis of TE and DI disc throw

7. Analysis of TE and DI hammer throw Video - coaching seminars:

1. Presentation of analyzes of throwing events 1

2. Presentation of analyzes of throwing events 2 Content of practical lessons:

1. Throwing warming up, basic throwing drills

2. -

12. Shot put (glide and turn)

13. -

14. Discus throw

15. -

16. Hammer throw

17. -

19. Javelin Throw

20. Specific strength exercises and throwing tests

21. -

22. Model competition (fulfillment of credit requirements)

23. -

26. Leading throwing training - didactic performance Content of seminars:

27. -

28. Presentation of credit papers

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Students acquire athletic skills in all throwing events. They acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of areas of technology, training and didactics of throwing disciplines and specific power training for throwers.

Students are acquainted with general and specific tests used in throwing disciplines, furthermore with planning and organizations in throwing training.