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Athletic Conditioning - Winter Course

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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Exercises: 1-2 Safety in course teaching, basics of warm-up and hardening in winter conditions 3-5 Aerobic endurance in the form of a continuous method 6-12 Using cross-country skiing in fitness training 13-20 Aerobic endurance in the form of alpine tourism 21-22 Breathing exercises, relaxation 23-30 Cross-country skiing in the development of strength endurance and speed 31-32 Fundamentals of strength endurance development 33-35 Anaerobic endurance in the form of an interval method 36-40 Endurance competitions in winter conditions

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In the course, students are introduced to the basics of winter fitness training in Krkonoše Mountain. They will gain knowledge about organizing general fitness training and the basics of developing endurance and strength skills in mountain conditions. Subject includes the basics of the development of aerobic and anaerobic endurance in the form of cross-country exercises or alpine tourism, or cross-country skiing exercises. Furthermore, students are introduced to basic training tools and methods development of general strength skills. The course also includes morning breathing exercises and the basics of hardening.

Course dates, including other information such as the exact location, course price and method of payment, will be sent to students by email at the beginning of the school year.