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Reconditioning in Sport

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Theoretical lectures

1. Introduction to the study. Introduction to the teaching program. Theoretical foundations of reconditioning in sports

2. Problems of injuries in sports

3. Representation of rehabilitation and physiotherapy in reconditioning in sports

4. Strategic procedure for reconditioning after injury

5. Strategic procedure for reconditioning after injury. Problems of functional testing in the period of reconditioning

6. Individual approach during reconditioning due to the area and type of injury

7. Assignment of didactic outputs and creation of a written form of didactic output Practics lectures

1. Functional testing at the beginning and during reconditioning

2. Overview of reconditioning exercises after lower limb injury

3. Overview of reconditioning exercises after upper limb injury

4. Overview of reconditioning exercises after injuries in the torso area

5. Didactic outputs I.

6. Didactic outputs II.

7. Didactic outputs III.


The course is a compulsory subject of the profiling basis, for students of the TVS program with a focus on education. The course contains the issue of reconditioning in sports, which has become very topical in recent years.

Within both theoretical and practical instruction will pay special attention to the individual procedures in the return of the athlete after an injury, possibly after a more serious illness. The practical part of the course will include didactic outputs, in which students of this course will apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to the application of the type of reconditioning.