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Physiology of sport

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |



1. Energy expenditure and types of energy metabolic pathways - methods of estimation.

2. Morpho-functional predispositions for various types of sports activities - methods of estimation.

3. Functional tests, selection of ergometers and exercise protocols, their use in the sports practice.

4. Endurance sports - demands of sports disciplines and morpho-functional characteristics in athletes.

5. Speed-strength and power sports and technical and coordination demanding sports - physiological demands and morpho-functional characteristics in athletes.

6. Sports games - physiological demands and morpho-functional characteristics in athletes.

7. Biochemical monitoring in athletes, parameters, criteria and evaluation. Requirements for the credit: - Active participation in the lessons (presence minimally 70 %) - Seminary essay


Students are informed with the principles of the evaluation of functional and energy demands of sports performances, with the methods of functional exercise diagnostics in the laboratory and in the field, and they also obtain knowledge on the use of the evidence of exercise physiology and biochemistry in the sports practice, with regards to specific aspects of various sports and sport events.