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Functional Load Diagnostics in Kinanthropology

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


PGS credit course - irregular teaching Lectures:

1. Basic principles of functional stress diagnostics (diagnostic laboratories)

2. Sources and types of load

3. Analyzers of physiological functions

4. Methods and protocols of aerobic and anaerobic stress tests, specifics of upper and lower body ergometry

5. Monitoring of physiological reactions to stress load in field conditions, stress tests in the field

6. Evaluation of results and criteria of text message exercises in the laboratory and field and interpretation of results


Functional stress diagnostics and its use in sports sciences and clinical disciplines.

Basic principles of functional stress diagnostics, diagnostic laboratory, sources and types of load, analyzers of physiological functions.

Methods and protocols of aerobic and anaerobic stress tests, specifics of upper body and lower body ergometry. Monitoring of physiological responses to the exercise load in field conditions, field stress tests. Evaluation of the results and criteria of exercise texting in the laboratory and in the field and interpretation of the results.