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Exercise Physiology

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


1. Adaptation of an human organism on organ, cellular a molecular level on physical load and/or sports events

2. Cellular metabolism during physical work (metabolic zones)

3. Skeletal and muscular system and its adaptation to physical load a training

4. Cardiorespiratory system and its adaptation to exercise, homeostasis and its regulatory mechanism, excretion, excretion and thermoregulation

5. principles of neuromuscular regulation in respect to exercise and training of an individuals

6. Physiological basic of training process

7. Diagnostic methods served for evaluation of physical performance in athletes and in untrained subjects

8. Warming-up, fatigue a regeneration - introduction into problemes

9. Sexual and age effect on response of organism to physical load, biorhythms, effect of external environment on response to physical performance of indivuduls, ergogenic aids in sport (diping) in respect to their physiological mechanisms Laboratory practice:

1. laboratory exercise testing (video programme), biological age, biochemical and HR monitoring of performance in athletes


Acute and chronic adaptive processes on the level of organ systems and cells of human organism induced by physical load (and/or training) are discussed. Basic information concerning the energy demands of different types of moving actities, training methods used and diagnostics of physical performance is also given.