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Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


* Presentations:

1. The composition of living matter (cell structure)

2. The plasma membrane (cell, mitochondrial)

3. Transport agents (carriers, ion channels)

4. The resting membrane potentials

5. Action membrane potentials

6. Biochemical reactions in cells - enzyme regulation

7. Organelles of protein synthesis (ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus - regulation)

8. Nucleus and nucleic acids

9. Cell division, cell differentiation (mechanisms)

10. Neuromuscular tissue I.

11. Neuromuscular tissue II. - neuromuscular junction

12. Credit Test


The course deals with the structure, function and biochemistry of cells and tissues, respectively cell organelles (also in terms of cytopathology). The issue of cell differentiation is also discussed.

The aim of the course is to acquire information about the structure and cell function and understanding the mechanisms of adaptive processes, basics of medical genetics, immunology and human ethology.