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Exercise Physiology

Class at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |

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* Témata přednášek

1. Fyzické zatížení - adaptace a neurohumorální regulace

2. Metabolismus při pracovním zatížení (zóny metabolického krytí)

3. Adaptace kardiorespiračního systému na pohybovou činnost, změny vnitřního prostředí při zatížení

4. Metabolismus různých tkání, trávení a výživa ve vztahu k fyzické zátěži

5. Termoregulace a vylučování při zatížení, fyziologické principy tréninku

6. Endogenní a exogenní vlivy a jejich uplatnění v reakci a adaptaci na tělesné zatížení

7. Zátěž a rostoucí organismus, změny ve stáří * Témata praktických cvičení

1. Úvod do praktických cvičení

2. Test W170 a nepřímé stanovení maximálního aerobního výkonu

3. Jednoduché funkční zkoušky

4. Pracovní metabolismus, metody stanovení energetického výdeje

5. Kardiorespirační změny při zatížení

6. Ventilační anaerobní práh

7. Aerobní zátěžová diagnostika - test VO2max


The aim of this course is introduction to the reactions of the human organism to stress and adaptation processes occurring in the body in connection with training load.


The student acquires knowledge of the biological basis of physical fitness, adaptation to movement load and genetic conditioning of adaptation, is introduced to the manifestations of adaptation at the cellular level, the principles of energy metabolism and the metabolic characteristics of load according to the intensity of metabolism and duration and the influence of the histochemical composition of skeletal muscle on the energetics of muscle work. The student acquires knowledge about homeostatic, transport and regulatory mechanisms during physical load, about applications of physiological principles in training, about physiological aspects of loading in ontogeny and in specific population groups, about internal and external factors influencing the performance of an individual, about the health significance of physical activity and is introduced to principles of basic examinations in exercise physiology.


The student will be able to define the basic principles of the physiology of body load and adaptations apply the knowledge of the physiology of body load and adaptation to training,use the diagnostic procedures of the physiology of physical exertion and evaluate the results achieved as prerequisites for fitness and sports performance, to specify differences in physiological reactions and adaptations in individual population groups, independently perform and evaluate simple functional tests.


The student is competent to use the acquired knowledge of the physiology of physical exertion and adaptation for their application and connection with subsequent subjects such as sports training and sports specialization;use the acquired information in everyday practice and apply the knowledge of the physiology of body load and adaptation to training;use the diagnostic procedures of the physiology of physical exertion and evaluate the results achieved as prerequisites for fitness and sports performance;to specify differences in physiological reactions and adaptations in individual population groups, is competent to perform and evaluate independently simple functional tests.